Snorkel Tour Islas Del Rosario


Snorkel Tour Islas Del Rosario

COP 75.000COP 290.000

¡Bienvenido! Como agente de viajes, estoy encantado de ayudarte a descubrir increíbles experiencias. Una de las actividades más populares en la hermosa Isla del Rosario es el snorkel. Te garantizo que vivirás una aventura inolvidable mientras exploras las aguas cristalinas y los coloridos arrecifes de coral de este paraíso tropical.

Durante tu experiencia de snorkel en la Isla del Rosario, tendrás la oportunidad de sumergirte en un mundo submarino lleno de vida marina exótica. Podrás observar una amplia variedad de peces tropicales, corales vibrantes y, si tienes suerte, incluso tortugas marinas majestuosas.

Te proporcionaremos el equipo necesario, incluyendo máscara, snorkel y aletas, para que puedas disfrutar al máximo de esta actividad. Además, contarás con la compañía de guías expertos en snorkel, quienes te brindarán instrucciones de seguridad y te mostrarán los mejores lugares para explorar bajo el agua.

Después de tu emocionante sesión de snorkel, tendrás tiempo para relajarte en las hermosas playas de arena blanca de la Isla del Rosario, disfrutar de un delicioso almuerzo con vista al mar o simplemente descansar bajo el cálido sol caribeño.

Si estás interesado en reservar esta actividad de snorkel en la Isla del Rosario, por favor, proporciona detalles adicionales como la fecha de tu viaje, el número de participantes y cualquier otro requerimiento especial. Estoy aquí para ayudarte a planificar una experiencia maravillosa en esta hermosa isla.

Nota: Almuerzo no incluido.

Welcome! As a travel agent, I am happy to help you discover incredible experiences. One of the most popular activities on the beautiful Isla del Rosario is snorkeling. I guarantee you will have an unforgettable adventure as you explore the crystal clear waters and colorful coral reefs of this tropical paradise.

During your snorkeling experience on Isla del Rosario, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in an underwater world full of exotic marine life. You’ll be able to spot a wide variety of tropical fish, vibrant corals, and if you’re lucky, even majestic sea turtles.

We will provide you with the necessary equipment, including a mask, snorkel and fins, so that you can enjoy this activity to the fullest. In addition, you will have the company of expert snorkel guides, who will provide you with safety instructions and show you the best places to explore underwater.

After your exciting snorkeling session, you will have time to relax on the beautiful white sand beaches of Isla del Rosario, enjoy a delicious lunch overlooking the sea or simply rest under the warm Caribbean sun.

If you are interested in booking this snorkeling activity on Isla del Rosario, please provide additional details such as the date of your trip, the number of participants and any other special requirements. I am here to help you plan a wonderful experience on this beautiful island.

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Snorkel Tour Isla Del Rosario

Welcome! As a travel agent, I am happy to help you discover incredible experiences. One of the most popular activities on the beautiful Isla del Rosario is snorkeling. I guarantee you will have an unforgettable adventure as you explore the crystal clear waters and colorful coral reefs of this tropical paradise.

During your snorkeling experience on Isla del Rosario, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in an underwater world full of exotic marine life. You’ll be able to spot a wide variety of tropical fish, vibrant corals, and if you’re lucky, even majestic sea turtles.

We will provide you with the necessary equipment, including a mask, snorkel and fins, so that you can enjoy this activity to the fullest. In addition, you will have the company of expert snorkel guides, who will provide you with safety instructions and show you the best places to explore underwater.

After your exciting snorkeling session, you will have time to relax on the beautiful white sand beaches of Isla del Rosario, enjoy a delicious lunch overlooking the sea or simply rest under the warm Caribbean sun.

If you are interested in booking this snorkeling activity on Isla del Rosario, please provide additional details such as the date of your trip, the number of participants and any other special requirements. I am here to help you plan a wonderful experience on this beautiful island.

Note: Luch not includent

Información adicional


Snorkel (1 Persona /Person), Snorkel (2 personas / Person ), Snorkel Grupo (1 – 4 Personas/ Person), Snorkel Tour Pasadía con almuerzo


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